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Paperwork for Nationality Process

Your Price: From $50.00 to $150.00
Manufacturer: Moorish Science Temple of America Divine & National Movement

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Paperwork for Nationality Process:


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Definitions of NATIONALITY

1: national character

2: nationalism

3 a: national status; specifically​ : a legal/lawful relationship involving allegiance on the part of an individual and usual protection ​ on the part of the state

   b: membership in a particular nation

4: political independence or existence as a separate nation

5 a: a people having a common origin, tradition, and language and capable of  forming or actually constituting a ​ nation-state

   b: an ethnic group constituting one element of a larger unit (as a nation)

Nationality determines what part of Mother Earth you come from and can claim as your own. It also determines your allegiance with respect to whom you claim as your sovereign (key 34). Through nationality, you can receive your birthrights unmolested, and it guarantees you certain unalienable rights. Without a nationality, you are not considered a member of even the human family as to be a member of the human family you must belong to a nation. According to all true and divine records, there is no negro black or colored nation because all nations belong to the human family etc. We are taught that all nations have suffered slavery because they honored not the creeds and principles of their forefathers.

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